Grades 9-12 (ages 14-18)
Love: All That & More (LATM), is offered to 9th-12th grade students. LATM is a four-day prevention program designed to create and maintain positive outcomes for youth regarding healthy relationships. Some of the key themes of LATM are healthy and unhealthy relationships, bodily autonomy, consent, coercion and bystander intervention. The resource is designed to inform young people about the elements that make up healthy relationships, increase awareness and understanding about violence and abuse; and motivate youth and young adults to seek relationships based on equality and mutual respect. LATM is typically administered to high school health classes during a school week.
The participants of LATM are high school students ninth through the twelfth grade and range in gender and cultural backgrounds.
Program goals: (1) Strengthen youth knowledge and ability to engage in healthy relationships (2) Change cultural attitudes in community regarding violence (3) Decrease incidents of youth partner violence (4) Build leadership among student participants.
Love: All That & More is funded by: The Ohio Department of Health, Family Violence Prevention Act Funding and the Delaware-Morrow Mental Health Recovery Board.
For information on these programs contact the Violence Prevention Program Manager at Helpline – Amy Hawthorne