Grades 4-6 (ages 9-12)
Boys and Girls Group is administered between 4th-6th grade. The sessions are composed of 10-15 students in gender-specific groups. The groups are typically once a week for 10 weeks. The groups are taught an array of bullying and violence prevention techniques, tools, and skills. They focus on empowerment-based models and utilize a public health approach.
Girls and Boys Empowerment Groups are funded by: Family Violence Prevention Act Funding and the Delaware-Morrow Mental Health Recovery Board.
It’s A Guy’s Thing is a violence prevention program focused on gender expectations and roles, cultivating healthy relationships, and positive decision-making. Group sessions include: understanding healthy masculinity; identifying positive male role models; healthy relationships; understanding male socialization; developing positive self-esteem; working to end violence. In the group, boys can express their personal understanding of manhood.. Each session of It’s A Guy Thing includes hands-on activities that explores issues in ways that are fun and educational.
For information on these programs contact the Violence Prevention Program Manager at Helpline – Amy Hawthorne